Nikon Coolpix S1000pj camera offers truly cinematic experience

Many, if not most, pocket gadgets that people invent are largely needless as they simply combine two existing tools for no particularly useful reason. But every so often somebody comes up with a “twofer” that genuinely solves a problem. Here’s a problem you may well have experienced (though you might need the marketing men to […]

Revolt of the Mouses

The war between pencils and computer mouses has finally begun… “Revolt of the Mouses” takes us to an imaginary battle field, in which computer mouses confront the all time traditional pencils, erasers and sharpeners. At the end it will all turn into a nonsensical parody about how the present technology, in the hands of advertisement, […]

Are You Ready for Stargate Universe? [Geek Editorial]

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] When Star Trek: TNG ended and the franchise melted into less compelling series like Voyager and DS9 (let’s not even DISCUSS Enterprise), we “space action show” geeks felt a little lost.  Nothing really stood out and said, “Here’s that great formula you know and love.”  Then Stargate: SG1 […]