The life, lyrics, and love of John Keats on the big screen

Literary geeks, rejoice! They’ve made a film about John Keats. I’m a Romantic poetry fangirl, I totally admit it. As a young English geek (and later, English major geek) I came across the Romantics in high school, and up until that point I had never read anything so profound. The language was so beautiful, the […]

Neil deGrasse Tyson’s worst science movie of all time? Titanic.

American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is not only a brilliant orator, he’s among the funniest scientific personalities I’ve heard. In the following video, he gives his reasons why Titanic is one of the worst science movie of all time. The video will automatically start at 26m12s and the part you need to watch lasts for […]

Annoy Everyone with the iBlink Earbuds

Remember when noise-isolating earphones didn’t exist, and as soon as you stepped in the subway, an annoying idiot always seems to be sitting right next to you, loudly playing his “music” in his earphones for everyone to hear, whether they liked it or not? While many earbuds are now sound tight, a manufacturer has found […]