Neil deGrasse Tyson on 2012 – The Movie
In the following video, CNN’s Becky Anderson asks astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson if the end is near. As usual, Mr. deGrasse Tyson anwsers in a very cool and concise way.
In the following video, CNN’s Becky Anderson asks astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson if the end is near. As usual, Mr. deGrasse Tyson anwsers in a very cool and concise way.
A website is offering what it’s billing as the TV Guide of online video. brings together links to around 400,000 TV episodes, 50,000 music videos and 30,000 movies in an easy-to-navigate directory. The idea of the site is to bring together all forms of video so that you can find the content you are […]
FOX has just announced that the Joss Whedon series Dollhouse has gotten the mid-season axe. Though the show has received mixed reviews, it has a pretty devoted fan following, and I was rather fond of it myself. The real tragedy is that it was just getting good – or rather, it started getting really good […]
I was reluctant to watch Legend of the Seeker to start, owing to the fact that I was very lukewarm about Terry Goodkind‘s books in general, and had just come off of a Battlestar Galactica high (followed by a low…). On the heels of disappointment I decided to try out Legend of the Seeker just […]
Remember the original Star Wars Gangsta Rap? Well folks, what you’re about to see is the official sequel to the 2002 Internet phenomenon. Enjoy! MCs Vader, Skywalker, Palpatine and Trooper are back with another edition of the hit animated series Star Wars Gangsta Rap. With surprise appearances from Leia, Lando, and all your favorite flow […]
A rookie secret agent is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase.
Remember when we posted the clip featuring old hardware reproducing Radiohead’s Nude song? Well, in response to this video, James Cochrane decided to do the same with Funkytown, using a similar method.
The entire Beatles catalog is finally coming to Apple – but it won’t be available from iTunes. That’s because the release is coming from Apple Corps, the group’s publisher, rather than computer firm Apple Inc. The two companies are completly unconnected and have been involved in some intense courtroom discussions. The music is being released […]
At TEDxUSC, computer graphics trailblazer Paul Debevec explains the scene-stealing technology behind Digital Emily, a digitally constructed human face so realistic it stands up to multiple takes. [Via TED]
I missed the miniseries V in 1983, and its sequel in 1984, and the series in 1984-85. As I recall, I was between marriages #1 and #2 and couldn’t afford a TV, much less cable. Too bad, as I would have really gotten into it at the time. In fact, I enjoyed watching the marathon […]