I.M.P.S. The Relentless: An Epic Documentary… of the best damn job in the galaxy!

I.M.P.S.: The Relentless is a short fan-made series created by fans of the Star Wars universe. The first installment of the series made its debut on the net in 2005, aiming to show “the best damn job in the galaxy”, that of serving on the Revenge-class Star Destroyer Relentless as it goes on patrols and […]

Symphony of Science – Our Place in the Cosmos (ft. Sagan, Dawkins, Kaku, Jastrow)

“Our Place in the Cosmos”, the third video from the Symphony of Science series, was crafted using samples from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, Richard Dawkins’ Genius of Charles Darwin series, Dawkins’ TED Talk, Stephen Hawking’s Universe series, Michio Kaku’s interview on Physics and aliens, plus added visuals from Baraka, Koyaanisqatsi, History Channel’s Universe series, and IMAX […]