Futurama Wedding Cake [Pic]
[Source: Flickr | Via]
[Source: Flickr | Via]
Sintel is an independently produced short film, initiated by the Blender Foundation as a means to further improve and validate the free/open source 3D creation suite Blender. With initial funding provided by 1000’s of donations via the internet, it has again proven to be a viable development model for both open 3D technology as for […]
Reddit user FozzTexx celebrated his new CNC by making Federation and Klingon Napkin rings. Neat!
So, against which type of zombie would you be willing to go against? What is your favorite zombie movie of all time? Let us know in the comments section below! [Via]
Hello DOCTOR… exterminate… exterminate!!! Hello Dalek (CC), from the popular Hello Robot series by Joseph Senior.
Just when you thought Jar-Jar Binks couldn’t possibly be any more annoying: Lucasfilm has announced that the Star Wars films are going 3D. Yes, the latest Hollywood trend seems to have infected the folks over at Lucasfilm, and why not? Seems as if there’s been plenty of movies in the last two years that have […]
[Via 9gag]
Too bad Vader didn’t pick the clown mask! Now that would have been REALLY disturbing! [I Find Your Lack of Mask Disturbing T-Shirt – $14.95 at the Neatoshop]
Too bad this is a fake. I would totally pay to see something like this! [Via]
For $200 (or considerably lower) you can buy the Motorola Droid 2. And for $249 you can buy the Motorola Droid R2-D2. In one of the all-time great examples of taking a pun to its logical conclusion, Verizon is releasing a special Star Wars-themed edition of its next major smartphone release. The theming covers both […]