Wednesday Geeky Pics: Halloween Costumes for Kids

It’s almost Halloween! And though many of you are working out last-minute costumes for yourselves (and here are some ideas if you’re still stumped), some of you might be more worried about what the geeklets will be wearing while trick-or-treating. There’s nothing like being a kid at Halloween – and especially being a geeky kid […]

Google ready to help hunt pirates… for a fee

A filmmaker has accused Google of “fencing stolen goods.” It comes after reports that Google wants to charge the music industry for helping it track down online pirates. CNET reports that the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, and its US counterpart the Recording Industry Association of America, recently wrote to Google asking for more […]

Ten of the Scariest Scenes in 80s Movies I Saw as a Kid

I consider myself lucky to be a child of the 80s. But growing up with some of these so-called kids movies of the time was occasionally trial by fire. During that decadent decade of Reaganomics, shoulder pads, and scrunchies, it never really occurred to movie makers just how terrifying some of the scenes in their […]