Symphony of Science – A Wave of Reason

“A Wave of Reason” is the seventh installment in the Symphony of Science music video series. It is intended to promote scientific reasoning and skepticism in the face of growing amounts of pseudoscientific pursuits, such as Astrology and Homeopathy, and also to promote the scientific worldview as equally enlightening as religion. It features Carl Sagan, […]

Neill Blomkamp’s Mysterious Teaser from Wired magazine

This mysterious video by District 9 director Neill Blomkamp was apparently discovered in the latest iPad issue of Wired magazine (issue number 18.12). Could this be for an upcoming movie by Mr. Blomkamp? Edit: /film has uncovered some additional information about the trailer: Here is what I’ve discovered. 18.12 is the number of the issue […]

A Writer’s Thoughts On Open-Ended Publishing

One of the reasons I write so much about ereaders (without actually owning one) is because I feel like they represent something truly different in publishing, an industry that, until relatively recently, hasn’t changed a heck of a lot in the last hundred years. In the last decade, I’ve gone from total writer n00b to […]