Battlestar Galactica Space & Timeline [Graph]
Click picture to enlarge! This absolutely brilliant BSG timeline was created by Flickr user Billy Ray. Enjoy! [Source]
Click picture to enlarge! This absolutely brilliant BSG timeline was created by Flickr user Billy Ray. Enjoy! [Source]
I find your lack of breath… disturbing. [Source]
Remix master Pogo has just released a new song based on JRR Tolkien’s LOTR using chords and vocal samples recorded from the movies. This is the same dude who created the awesome Expialidocious as well as the The Skynet Symphonic. Check it out!
First, there was Conan the Barbarian, and then Total Recall. Now, Youtube user Legolambs has turned Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1987 classic into a full blown musical. Enjoy! [Via]
Check out these AMAZING and très chic Harry Potter-themed pillows by Montreal, CA, based artist Kim Gadbois, who will be presenting her art at the upcoming GeekfestMTL in Montreal, CA, on March 5 and 6, 2011. Merci Kim! [Source: pantoufledeverre]
Bjorn Hurri, a graphic artist who created a series of Steam Punk styled Star Wars characters that we featured last month has come out with some additional renderings. While it’s very disturbing to see Jabba as a human, I feel the characteristics of the Hutt gangster carried over well, and Han Solo now has some […]
What’s the next best thing to a real super-human cyborg cop? A huge statue of one! And thanks to the mighty power of the Internet, that’s exactly what Detroit may be getting. On Monday, February 7th, a genius in Massachusetts tweeted this message to Detroit Mayor Dave Bing: Here’s the mayor’s response: That’s when the […]
[Via Dorkly]
Check out those delicious-looking Doctor Who cupcakes by Nottingham, UK-based bakery Star Barkery. [Via]
An awesome new animation by Animator and Youtube superstar Patrick Boivin. Also by Patrick Boivin: At-At Day Afternoon Boba Fett does FlashDance Iron Baby