Star Wars Intro Dress [Picture]
This awesome Star Wars intro dress with matching headband was made by Chenoa from Vancouver, BC. [Via]
This awesome Star Wars intro dress with matching headband was made by Chenoa from Vancouver, BC. [Via]
Your lack of fashion disturbs me. – Vader [Source]
Yeah, we know, Rebecca Black’s Friday really sucks, but this version from the folks at Teddie Films is actually a little better. Check it out. Oh, and yes, Primeday is actually the name of a real day in the Star Wars universe. [Youtube]
20th Century Fox Film has just released the first short trailer for X-Men: First Class. Check it out: X-Men: First Class will hit the big screen on June 2, 2011. [Via]
What can I say? Some people just have way too much time on their hands! [Via]
Since the last time we featured the geektastic troopers webseries on [GAS] a few weeks ago, CH has released two new episodes: Space Improv and The Swamp Planet. Check ‘me out!
Not only is cellist Kevin Olusola an accomplished cello player, he’s also a pretty good beatboxer. Check out his awesome interpretation of Julie-O by Mark Summer. [Via Neatorama]
A rather awesome-looking Dr. Who retro alarm clock, for the Dr. Who fan who has trouble getting up in the morning! [$25.95 @ The Neatoshop]
Edit: Apparently, this is a fake fan-made trailer. Warner Brother has just released the first teaser trailer for the second part of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows today. Check it out:
I’m not exactly sure why, out of all the cool things you can get tattooed on your arm, this person picked an ewok, and a pretty terrifying one at that! [Source: Dorkly]