Meet Sariah Gallego: The Eight-Year-Old Sith Lord Who’ll Kill Darth Vader

Remember that adorable little girl who bowed down to Darth Vader at Disneyland earlier this month? Well, it turns out her name is Sariah Gallego, and she’s one devious little lady. Check out the exclusive interview she gave to Jedi Knight (and actress!) Jennifer Landa a few days ago. [Youtube]

May Forever Alone Be With You: Luke Skywalker Ceremonial Jacket with Medal Of Yavin

Remember the jacket Luke Skywalker wore at the end of A New Hope? Well now you too can buy an officially-licensed version of the very same jacket for just $139! Just try to imagine how dashing you geeks would look with this on… and let’s not even talk about the jacket’s probable influence on the […]