Hobbit Casting News Brings Geek Rage, Fangirl Joy

Last week’s announcement of Stephen Fry being cast as the Master of Laketown in Peter Jackson’s upcoming “The Hobbit” was great, and there was much joy in the Shire. But today’s announcement that Orlando Bloom will reprise his role as Legolas in “The Hobbit” is inspiring both joy and rage. Comments on the news range […]

AMAZING Tron Aerosol Mural [Video]

Check out this absolutely AMAZING time-lapse video showing an artist at work on what is probably is the most beautiful aerosol mural I’ve ever seen. End of the Line, in association with Distillery Productions and Toby Summerskill, have filmed the first 3D Graffiti Time-lapse. Created to document the production of a painted promo for Disney’s […]

Star Wars remake week: The Crowdsourced Edition

Today’s entry is by far the most ambitious, from starwarsuncut.com. It’s a crowdsourced remake in which web users each claimed a 15 second section of the movie and reshot it using whatever facilities they had available. The clips were then stitched back together to make the full-length movie, as well as this trailer: [Star Wars […]