So he’s my father too? [Pic]
This t-shirt design is up for vote at Threadless, so if you’d like the site to offer it for sale, be sure to go and vote it up! [Threadless]
This t-shirt design is up for vote at Threadless, so if you’d like the site to offer it for sale, be sure to go and vote it up! [Threadless]
Having grown up on Batman: the Animated Series, I have to admit that the upcoming Batman: Year One is as exciting a release to me as The Dark Knight Rises. I just have a soft-spot for the Caped Crusader in ink and paint, I guess. If you haven’t heard about it yet, Year One is the DC […]
Here’s a video of Iron Man and his Ironettes performing at Japan Expo 2011, which is located, can you guess where? Nope, not Japan. The exposition takes place in Paris, France! [Via Geekologie]
Ollie Klublershturf vs. The Nazis is directed by Skot Bright and written by Damon Lindelof (Lost). The film stars Chris Hemsworth, George Segal, Lainie Kazan, Norman Reedus, Rachel Nichols, Samm Levine, and Zach Mills and is an off-the-wall comedy set around the dinner table. What at first glance seems like an awkward ‘meet the parents’ […]
A Harry Potter movie featuring a Jackie Chan-like hero? Now that’s one entertaining idea! [Via]
Youtube user grantwoolard made what is probably the nerdiest parody you’ll ever hear of The Little Mermaid’s song Part of the World. Check it out: [Youtube]
Youtube user Pedro Calvo made this fantastic music video for Portal 2’s closing song: Want You Gone. Enjoy! Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Via TDWG]
Wow. Just wow. This version is giving me goosebumps all over… but not as much as David Lima’s awesome rock version. [Topless Robot]
[Via FG]
Not bad… but nowhere as brilliant as “Roll a D6“. [Youtube]