Bane-Obsessed Fan Preemptively Declares His Love in Ink

Too soon? It’s probably too soon, right? Apparently not, at least for this dude from Istanbul. Using only leaked pre-release set photos from The Dark Knight Rises for reference, he got Tom Hardy’s Bane tatted on his bicep. Now, ok: even if you’re already a fan of a certain character or story or what-have-you, isn’t it […]

Darth Vapour: Dark Lord of the Steam

The Greatest Steampunk Exhibition, the largest exhibition of Steampunk art, craft and engineering, is running through August 29, 2011 at the Kew Bridge Steam Museum in West London. The exhibition contains over one hundred Steampunk exhibits from all over the world, ranging from paintings and artworks through costumes and fabrics to machines and engines, together with sound installations […]

Alternate Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror Movie Poster Prints

Adam Rabalais is a Baton Rouge based artist with a fondness for movie poster design. Here we’ve collected some of his best genre flick reworks–everything from “2001: A Space Odyssey” to “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” There’s a lot to like here, but for more you can check out Rabalais’ shop, where the […]

Record industry won’t let $1.92 million filesharing case go

The word “distribution” scores 15 points in Scrabble. But in the court system it could score almost $2 million. That’s certainly the hope of the Recording Industry Association of America, which wants yet another round in its ongoing battle with Jammie Thomas-Rasset, and one that may have a genuine effect on the legal situation rather […]

The Sound of Hydrogen [Video]

Just last week’s post about the Radioactive Orchestra, this video illustrates the concept of atomic radiation through sensory switch techniques–by exchanging light waves for sound waves, we can hear hydrogen. Produced by Henry Reich, this short animation is part of a series of animations that quickly explain a physics concept. We featured “Something from Nothing” here a couple […]

WANT: Fan-Made Avengers Minifigs

Avengers superfan Andrew Becraft (Dunechaser) couldn’t wait for the 2012 release of Lego’s official Avengers minifig lineup, so he made his own with extant minifig components and a steady hand. They’re incredible, really–it’s hard to imagine how Lego might top these next year. Check out some more pics in Becraft’s Flickr stream. [Kuriositas]