45 Years of Star Trek [Infographic]
Source: SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration
Source: SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration
Woe is the job candidate going up against Harry Potter for an open Auror position. Can you imagine walking into a room where a bunch of other applicants are waiting and spotting that famous scar? You might as well just turn around and go home. You’re not going to get the position. Maybe Weasleys’ Wizard […]
[Source | Via Blastr]
A little ealier this year, Wayside Creations released Fallout: Nuka Break, an amazing short film based on the Fallout universe. Now clocking in at over 1.3 million views, the movie was such a success that the producers have decided to create a web series to go along with the film. For those who missed the […]
I don’t think there’s anything as boring as a common paper lunch bag. But when you’re someone who has a little free time and knows how to draw, you can really turn these plain, insignificant pieces of brown paper into some real work of art. Here’s a gallery featuring the creations of a dad who […]
[Source: Brooke Hatfield]
Kristina Alexanderson has a simple goal: take a photo of a stormtrooper every day in 2011. It’s September, so there are quite a few to sift through (this post from Casey probably contains a few), but it’s not a task any SW-loving geek isn’t up to. Here are a few of our favorites. Check out […]
Youtuber Christopher Souvey filmed his amazing multitrack acapella interpretation of “Platform a Plenty” from Super Mario Sunshine against his bedroom wall, and the result is, I must say, quite amazing. Check it out! [Youtube]
In 1964, Jonny Quest aired to rave reviews as the first, adult action/adventure cartoon in prime time. It had cool jazz music by Hoyt Curtin and terrific, high contrast pen and ink design work by Doug Wildey. As an animator and long time JQ junkie, I had always wanted a set of Jonny Quest action […]
This is probably the most ridiculous thing you’ll see all week… guaranteed ;) [Via The Mary Sue]