WANT: Han Solo in Carbonite Ice Tray
An Ice tray that makes ice cubes shaped like Han Solo in carbonite? Send me a dozen please. Be sure to check out this awesome R2-D2 version as well. [$9.95 @ The Neatoshop]
An Ice tray that makes ice cubes shaped like Han Solo in carbonite? Send me a dozen please. Be sure to check out this awesome R2-D2 version as well. [$9.95 @ The Neatoshop]
Listen to Yoda as he imparts his Zen-like wisdom to luke in musical form. [Youtube]
Listen to Jonathan Coulton as he performs “Still Alive” with his band in studio. Please note that the song is now available on Jonathan Coulton’s new record “Artificial Heart.” [Artificial Heart]
Do you agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments section below! Thanks John!
An ode to today’s date by the Koren Ensemble. [Via Neatorama]
Puck from the Dutch Garrison of the 501st Legion recently got in touch with me to let me know about a new photoshoot his team did with professional photographer Mirjam Muller, and as with the last time we featured these guys, the result is fantastic! And we did it again. This time we had two […]
What? A movie where Thor meets Bella Swan? Now that promises to be… *ahem*… interesting? :) [Via Buzzfeed]
This video was initially only available for viewing on the Nintendo 3DS, but thanks to the magic of the Internet, everyone can now enjoy the beauty of the main Zelda theme as performed by an orchestra. [Youtube]
Some people like a little Roll with their Rock while others like a lot of Geek with it. The Internet has given rise to the popularity of bands using all sorts of geek culture themes to tickle their fans’ nerdicles. Some of these bands do straight cover songs from video games or cartoons while others […]
Apparently, Le Internet Song by the guys from the GAG Quartet features over forty Internet memes. Can you spot them all? [Via Neatorama]