LOL: Still a Better Love Story than Twilight
Let us give Hanks. [Via]
Let us give Hanks. [Via]
Hey, this actually looks pretty good… or at least, better than last week’s recipe, Skyrim’s Sunlight Soufflรฉ. [Feastoffiction]
One shall eat, one shall be eaten! It was built with an Arduino Uno board for simple programming and six servo motors. In hindsight the project would have worked a little better if I had thought to use more powerful motors. You can see that some elastic bands were needed in the front to help […]
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I used to be a… then I took a… in the knee. You know the deal. Sci-Fi version. [Get it @ – Check out the rest of our shirts right here – 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
[Via NA | Source: Flickr – xNEUROSPASTA]
iPhone 4s users beware: your precious toy might one day be the end of you! [Via CB]
Hilarious! :) [Via Reddit]
With intergalactic travel easier than ever, Wookiees can now be found on nearly every planet in the galaxy and on starships everywhere in between. This helpful guide teaches citizens of the galaxy key phrases in the Wookiee language, eliminating near-fatal encounters with notoriously short-tempered Wookiees while smoothing the way to lasting partnerships and friendships. The […]