Want your Kid to be a Gundam Warrior? Of course you do!

For the equivilent of $275 American dollars, Xu You Ji – a Chinese media company – will scan your child’s likeness to create a custom animation with your child as the star of the show! Products vary from Gundam to Disney Princesses (only not actual Gundam or Disney products… see below) Xu You Ji states: […]

AMAZING No-Budget Sci-Fi Short: Archetype by Aaron Sims

OMG THIS IS AMAZING. Watch it. Now. Seriously. RL7 is an eight-foot tall combat robot that goes on the run after malfunctioning with vivid memories of once being human. As its creators and the military close in, RL7 battles its way to uncovering the shocking truth behind its mysterious visions and past. Directed by Aaron […]

Star Wars Uncut is Finally Online

Last May GaS revealed a trailer for a “crowdsourced” project that endevoured to re-create Star Wars IV: A New Hope 15 seconds at a time using whatever creative medium the contributor wished. The team behind the project gathered the submissions online and began to stitch together a feature film recreation. Well, today the final product […]