Awesome Animated Avengers 3D Movie Poster [Pic]
[Via Imgur | FG | Source]
[Via Imgur | FG | Source]
Yep geeks, Nice Peter is back with a new episode of Epic Rap Battles of History, and this time, he decided to pitch King Leonidas against the one and only Master Chief. Check it out! [ERB]
Don’t believe me? Check this out! One of the most popular series in the STAR TREK franchise, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION® celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2012. It premiered in first-run syndication during the week of September 28, 1987 and ran through 1994. [Star Trek: The Next Generation – Next Level: A Taste of […]
Time-lapse footage taken at the Very Large Array (VLA) in Socorro, New Mexico; one of the largest Radio Astronomy Observatories in the world. [Douglas Koke]
As a massive Star Wars Geek, I cannot lie that when I walk into department stores with automatic doors, I have on occasion pretended that I had the Force and that by the power of my mind alone, these doors flew from my path like Gamorrean Guards. Now when I go into a Toys R […]
This is my tribute to Matt Groening and my favorite TV show! The recording is 100% vocals and 100% my own voice. In order to perform this song, I actually had to write out the entire orchestration from a recording and perform every part, which ended up being over 30! The violin runs were the […]
I’ll leave this here just before going to bed. I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did. It certain brought back good memories of what is probably for me the greatest Star Trek episode of all time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ve got something stuck in my eye. […]
Don’t miss the new season of “Game Of Thrones,” premiering on April 1st, 2012! [Via]
Hmmm, maybe George Lucas should take Vader’s place now… :) [Source: Ingrid Aspöck | Via Blastr]
This series of absolutely amazing Star Wars characters re-imagined samurai-style come from the fertile mind of Vail, USA-based artist Clinton Felker. [Source: Clinton Felker | Via Rampaged Reality]