Dr. Grordbort’s Dangerous Game: Brilliant Steampunk Short Film

http://vimeo.com/mediadesignskool/thedeadliestgame “Eat me? Ha, he wouldn’t dare. I’m British!” Artist Greg broadmore has brought us an insight with this short film into the world of Dr. Grordbort, a seller of rayguns in an incredibly violent but beautiful science fiction/steampunk world.

Admiral Ackbar Speaks: The Erik Bauersfeld Interview [Video]

Erik Bauersfeld, 90 years old, performed the voices of Admiral Ackbar and Bib Fortuna in “Return of the Jedi.” He’s still never seen the original “Star Wars,” and the recording was a very small job in his respected broadcasting career. But he has developed a nice relationship with fans of the series, returning their letters […]