Prometheus Species Origin Chart
[Via Carlos Poon]
[Via Carlos Poon]
Hulk version of Sailor Moon: now that definitely deserves achievement points. Created by deviantARTist Ann Marcellino, this fusion of superhero comics and sailor moon ladies is a rather inventive reimagining of two teams of quite opposingly geeky taste. [By Ann Marcellino | Via BuzzFeed]
Featuring crazy dancer/online comedian Nathan Barnatt, the Dancebulance is a video that promotes the lineup announcement for the 2012 Governors Ball Music Festival, which will take place on June 23-24 in New York City. [Via LS]
From the same artist: Geektastic Avengers Eye Makeup Designs. [Source and Tutorial: Makeup Your Jangsara | Via FG]
This intricate lamp in black has a swarm of HR Giger’s Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise climbing upwards from a base of hand sculpted eggs and facehuggers. This is a great example of a specifically designed commission, finished in a high gloss lacquer and topped with a black and brushed copper empire shade. [Source: Evil […]
Oh you sweet summer child, what do you know of waiting? If you’ve read all of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire books, you certainly know what waiting means. Sigh. [Source: Virtual Shackles]
Nice! Now I want that guy to play the flight of the bumblebee on those glasses! [Source]
There are a few exceptions to this rule, but for the most part I just cannot stand it when a celebrity gets a movie role BECAUSE THEY ARE FAMOUS. Yeah, I was going to find some pretty words to dance around that topic and find a better way of delivering the message because this is […]
Here is the first trailer for Lionsgate’s Dredd, starring Karl Urban and Lena Headey. Dredd 3d will be hitting the big screen on September 21,2012. So what’s your verdict about the trailer, geeks? Yeah or Meh?
The recent film The Muppets didn’t wow the boxoffice but it did spark enough nostalgia to bring back a Muppet Show on TV. Maybe not your TV, but the people in the UK will be treated to No Strings Attached, a Jim Henson production greenlit by the BBC. The show will be quite similar in […]