Stanley Kubrick is a Fan of One-Point Perspectives [Video]
It seems that Mr. Kubrick is a big fan of one-point perspectives. It took this video for me to realize how often the man was using the technique in his movies. [kogonada | Via Geekosystem]
It seems that Mr. Kubrick is a big fan of one-point perspectives. It took this video for me to realize how often the man was using the technique in his movies. [kogonada | Via Geekosystem]
At first look, this infographic paints a pretty bleak picture of the Star Trek universe. Do you agree with the data that’s in there? Are you more of a Star Trek or Star Wars fanboy/girl? Let us know in the comments section below! Source: Best Online Engineering Degree
A beautiful medley of Various Zelda songs by violonist Taylor David. Enjoy! [Taylor Davis]
Yes my gentlegeeks, this is indeed an adult size Star Wars pajama, and should you ever decide to wear one in front of a lady (or ladies?), it could potentially transform a boring evening into a quite steamy one. You’ve been warned. [Get One @ | Via]
Fortunately for me, I don’t have a boss, no coworkers (But I used to love them when I had them, hi guys!), and I love my job. :) [Via]
From the same artist who did the Rockabilly Batman and the STAR WARS 80s High School Re-Designs, here are some pictures of the Justice League members re-imagined as charaters that lived in the Western Era. [Source: DenisM79]
The perfect song to cheer you up if you’re feeling a little gloomy this weekend. [Via IHC]
The flopppy drives are coming. [MrSolidSnake745]
From the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother: [Via]
a fully functionnal Back to the Future/DeLorean mod for GTA IV? Now how awesome is that? If you want to try your hand at implementing it, just follow the (not so) simple instructions located below the video on the Youtube page. [Via]