Game of Thrones-Inspired Drinks [Pic]
[Source: Imgur]
[Source: Imgur]
After watching this, I kind of feel bad for Bane. Poor guy. [Funny or Die]
The first episode of Inspector Spacetime that untitled web series about a space traveler who can also travel through time is finally here. We have to specify that this new series has absolutely NOTHING to do with Community and Doctor Who. Nothing at all. [sivartis]
From the makers of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men comes this attempt to revive the episodic nature of the Star Trek franchise. Star Trek: Renegades is a new web series that will supposedly take Star Trek in a new direction, “boldly going where no trek has gone before.” It’s going to be action-packed and […]
Hey, the movie looks actually better that way. Also: APPLE JUICE!
A musical homage to Slender Man, from Slender, a free indie-developed psychological horror/survival horror video game that was released in June. Poor Slender Man, just because he doesn’t have a face, doesn’t mean he has no feelings! Slender Man expresses his thoughts on the Slender game and his myth. He is so misunderstood! [Via Dorkly]
A totally geektastic (and very weird) version of the Donkey Kong Country song in Acapella format. [distorm]
8 minutes of apocalyptic destruction. Boom. [Via Neatorama]
Plush crochet Shai Hulud being ridden by Muad’ Dib, complete with stillsuit and maker hooks. [Source: Smapte @ | Via Neatorama]
Come on, admit it, you know you want one. After a Stormtrooper soldier of the Galactic Empire takes a shower, in order to stay warm and snuggly he is instructed to put on his standard issue, military grade Star Wars Stormtrooper Hooded White Cotton Bath Robe. Stormtroopers love these bath robes because they look exactly […]