Only one in 40 e-mails is NOT spam

Microsoft has revealed that almost all e-mails sent today are spam – though the figure fell slightly with the disconnection of a hosting provider which numbered a major spam network among its customers. The figures only relate to e-mails sent to customers of the Microsoft Forefront Online Security for Exchange service (FOSE) rather than the […]

Microsoft includes Apple stores in TV ad

Microsoft’s latest TV commercials take a stark step forward for the firm: it flat out acknowledges Apple. In the past, Microsoft advertising had always focused entirely on its own products, unlike Apple which runs the direct comparison tactics of ‘PC vs Mac’. Even when Microsoft threw in a not-so-subtle reference in its ‘I’m a PC’ […]

Twitter hoping to tweet all the way to the bank

Bosses at Twitter think they’ve solved the site’s major problem: how to make cash without alienating the user base. The company has confirmed it will offer premium accounts where businesses pay a subscription fee to access extra services, but maintains that the existing system of free accounts for all will remain unchanged. Co-founder Biz Stone […]

HOW TO: Reset your Lost 2003 Active Directory Admin Password

AskTheAdmin is back again with another “how to” for the GAS readers. Today’s tutorial will be covering a technique that will allow you to reset your lost 2003 Active Directory Administrator Password. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us and you are not alone. I have never had this happen to me in […]

HOW TO: Get back in Windows after losing your password

Hey there GAS readers! AskTheAdmin here guest posting on how to recover YOUR Windows password. This is not meant as a how-to hack your friend, girlfriend, dog or lover’s computer, but as a way to get you back into your Windows machine as a last resort. If you have another username and password on this […]

Microsoft introduces ultra-secure web browser

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] You must be wondering how you entered a parallel universe in which a [GAS] headline can include the words “Microsoft”, “browser”, and “secure” — without the words “not”, “disaster”, or “joke”.  And given the history of security flaws in Internet Explorer over the years, the folks at Redmond need […]