The Fairy [Comic]
[Source: Random Crab Comics | Like “Random Crab” on Facebook | Follow “Random Crab” on Twitter]
[Source: Random Crab Comics | Like “Random Crab” on Facebook | Follow “Random Crab” on Twitter]
Raphael has traveled through time to warn present-time Raph about… healthy living? [CH]
Here is Mineral Blu’s video showcasing some of the best costumes seen at Fan Expo Dallas 2018. Check it out! [Mineral Blu]
[Source: Comic for a Week for 100 Weeks]
[Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
[Source: PortugueseGeese Comics on FB | PortugueseGeese (Official)]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Like “Rock Paper Cynic” on Facebook | Follow “Rock Paper Cynic” on Twitter]
Watch as Rick Astley rickrolls weatherman Brandon Gonez live on air while he’s giving his weather report. [Your Morning]
A very complete compilation of Jeff Goldblum making his famous Jeff Goldblum sounds. [Owenergy Studios]
[Source: Light Roast Comics]