Luke Skywalker is Dirk “The Last Laser Master” in Star Wars Music Video
Get ready, the show is about to begin. [Auralnauts]
Get ready, the show is about to begin. [Auralnauts]
[Source: Jason Calzadilla on Instagram]
[Source: Raph Comic | Like ” Raph Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Raph Comic” on Twitter]
In this comic, artist Julia Lepetit from Dorkly takes a look at what getting a new game was like back when we were younger vs how it is now that we’re adults. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Comic for a Week for 100 Weeks]
[Source: Robospunk Comics]
See people. Pokemon do not have it that bad once they retire back into their pokeballs. It is just like a Tardis. Much bigger on the inside. (Via Imgur)
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
Down the years Robot Chicken had a different idea of Aquaman from that of the Justice League and it will stand the test of time. [Adultswim]
[Source: Big Fat Comics | “Big Fat Comics” on Facebook]