Nintendo’s Answer: When Nintendo Starts to Make Serious Games [VIDEO]

From Spacepig22: I’ve come up with the answer to Nintendo’s problem. Gamers aren’t taking Nintendo seriously, because they aren’t making serious games. Gamers don’t want games to be fun, they want artistic and pretentious games with gritty, real-world themes, and retro graphics. Well here’s what I’m thinking… After losing his wife in a tragic accident, […]

That Laughing He-Man Meme We All Know is Getting an Action Figure!

You’ve seen it on the web, a picture of He-Man/Prince Adam laughing with a rainbow in the background. The picture was pulled from a viral video from SlackCircus that featured the hero performing a cover of “What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes. In case you haven’t seen it, here it is: Now, the folks from […]