When a NPC Clones Himself for a Quest in a MMORPG [Video]
Greg the garlic farmer has just returned from an amazing quest and doesn’t feel so good… [Viva La Dirt League]
Greg the garlic farmer has just returned from an amazing quest and doesn’t feel so good… [Viva La Dirt League]
[Source: Skeleton Claw | Like “Skeleton Claw” on Facebook | Follow “Skeleton Claw” on Twitter]
[Source: It’s The Tie Comics | Like “It’s the Tie” on Facebook | Follow “It’s The Tie” on Twitter]
TheCGBros Presents “Spaghettify” – A 3D animated, sci-fi/comedy short starring Kevin, a layabout slob who lives alone in a filthy apartment. One night, while trying to reheat a spaghetti dinner, he leaves a metal fork in the microwave and subsequently rips a hole in time and space. What follows is a hilarious, pasta filled thrill […]
These buns… OH MY! A rather funny adaptation of the “Distracted Boyfriend” meme, Comic-Con style. [Source: jujukitty2323 on Instagram]
[Source: Port Sherry Comics | Like “Port Sherry Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Port Sherry Comics” on Instragram]
Comic by JHallComics of Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Eat My Paint]
14 Did you know that Sharknado 4 will be released next summer? [Source: Texts from Superheroes]
[Source: PortugueseGeese Comics on FB | PortugueseGeese (Official)]