3D Animated Short: “Grandma’s Pie” [Video]
A hungry dragon chases after an oblivious grandma that is too focused on making her favorite apple pie to notice the death and destruction going on around her. [TheCGBros]
A hungry dragon chases after an oblivious grandma that is too focused on making her favorite apple pie to notice the death and destruction going on around her. [TheCGBros]
Here’s a comic strip written by @JHallComics from Dorkly. Ok, this one is posted only for the funnies because any self-respecting Star Wars fan knows that this conversation could never happen since Vader has been pulled to the Dark side and seems to have no control over this darkness that has invaded him. This comic […]
[Source: Hot Paper Comics | Like “Hot Paper Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Hot Paper Comics” on Twitter]
[Source: Eatmypaint on Tumblr | Like Eatmypaint on Facebook | Follow Eatmypaint on Twitter]
How Capcom keeps selling you the same exact game so many times…adding wall jumping, a bit of robot angst, and your once in a while incredible *cough cough* voice acting! Wait for it: you have to watch till the end just for the robot names! And on a side note, this game, at its beginnings, […]
[Source: It’s The Tie Comics | Like “It’s the Tie” on Facebook | Follow “It’s The Tie” on Twitter]
Following in the footsteps of Spinal Tap, here’s a perfect mockumentary about the Modal Nodes! I’m almost certain most of you didn’t know it was the band’s original name (and I’m including myself in this discovery)… Hope you have as much fun watching this one as we did! And who knew Linda Rondstadt was a […]
[Source: Raph Comic | Like ” Raph Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Raph Comic” on Twitter]
[Source: Charlie Higson – Heck if I Know | Like “Heck if I Know” on Facebook]
Being a fan of both the book and the movie, we just love the nudge to all (and boy! do we ever mean ALL!) the references in this Honest Trailer. Staying true to it’s nature, this hilarious honest trailer leaves you facepalming over it’s simplisticly funny attention to details that first got us enthralled in […]