The True Origin of UFO Crop Circles
In Simon Tofield’s new video featuring his beloved cat, his feline friend reveals the true origin of the mysterious crop circles you’ve all seen on TV! [Simon’s Cat]
In Simon Tofield’s new video featuring his beloved cat, his feline friend reveals the true origin of the mysterious crop circles you’ve all seen on TV! [Simon’s Cat]
[Source: Jake Likes Onions | Like “Jake Likes Onion” on Facebook | Follow “Jake Likes Onions” on Twitter | Follow “Jake Likes Onion” on Instagram]
[Source: Lolnein Comics | Like “Lolnein Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Lolnein Comics” on Twitter]
[Sorce: comics with a k | Like “comics with a k” on Facebook]
[Source: Joshua Wright on Tumblr | Joshua Wright (Official) | Follow Joshua Wright on Twitter]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
This is the best thing I’ve read in a while and I’d pay good money to watch a movie or a show based on this story! [Via: EmpressofSquids on Imgur]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
A compilation of 50 funny ways to get into a pool by youtuber and stop-motion animator Kevin Parry. [Kevin Parry]
[Source: Charlie Higson – Heck if I Know | Like “Heck if I Know” on Facebook]