LOTR: The Nazgul at Weathertop Were NOT Trying to Get the Ring Back! [Video]
Frodo and his companions are cornered by Nazgul….but it’s the not the Ring they are after this time. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
Frodo and his companions are cornered by Nazgul….but it’s the not the Ring they are after this time. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
[Source: Random Crab Comics | Like “Random Crab” on Facebook | Follow “Random Crab” on Twitter]
A totally legit one take action sequence like in all your favorite shows! [RocketJump]
Yep, these are actually a real thing. [Slang Flashcards | Via TMP]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Like “Rock Paper Cynic” on Facebook | Follow “Rock Paper Cynic” on Twitter]
After watching Infinity War, if you’re just like me and wondered what Thanos would do after he “snapped” half of the universe out of existance, this comic by @JHallComics from Dorkly gives an amusing view at one of the possibilities. [Source: Dorkly]
From The Graham Norton Show: All of our dreams have come true as today Seth MacFarlane sings Cyndi Lauper’s greatest hits as Family Guy characters Stewie and Peter Griffin. [The Graham Norton Show | Via LS]
[Via Memebase]
This is highly disturbing…
Only when mankind has mastered his socks will he become a master of all he surveys. Dominate your socks TODAY! [Auralnauts]