Swords [Comic]
[Source: The Art of Matthew J Wills | Like “Matthew J Wills” on Facebook | Follow “Matthew J Wills” on Twitter]
[Source: The Art of Matthew J Wills | Like “Matthew J Wills” on Facebook | Follow “Matthew J Wills” on Twitter]
[Cookedcartoons on Instagram | Cookedcartoons on Facebook]
[Via TMP]
The cast of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as The Beastie Boys, Q-Tip, and DJ Hurricane, rapping the classic โGet It Togetherโ. Starring Master Splinter as Q-Tip, Raphael as Adrock, Donatello as Mike D, Michelangelo as MCA, and Leonardo as DJ Hurricane. Warning: Language. [isthishowyougoviral | Via LS]
A series of illustration showcasing 8 ways people can sit on couches. On a regular week, I use at least half of these on a daily basis.
Imagine finding out that you’ve been using “Air Quotes” wrong your entire life… [Viva La Dirt League]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
[Via 1 | 2 | 3]
[Source: Brinnyart] [wordads] [Source: Brawl in the Family] [Source: Supermegatrolled] [Source: Dueling Analogs] [Source: Endless Origami] [wordads] [Via Reddit]
From CinemaSins: Here’s a movie that wants to play the hits so much it kind of loses itself along the way. But it’s still a lot of fun. And full of sins. Here are all the sins we found in Solo: A Star Wars Story. [CinemaSins]