Odd [Comic]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Like “Rock Paper Cynic” on Facebook | Follow “Rock Paper Cynic” on Twitter]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
[Source: Fun Fact Comics | Like “Fun Fact Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Fun Fact Comics” on Twitter | Follow “Fun Fact Comics” on Instagram]
[Source: The Gentleman’s Armchair | Like The Gentleman’s Armchair on Facebook | Follow The Gentleman’s Armchair on Twitter]
A comic by @noobthelooser from College Humor. [wordads] JUST SAY IT, ADMIRAL! [Source: College Humor]
[Source: Fowl Language | Like Fowl Language on Facebook]
[Hoomph Comics | Follow Hoomph on Twitter | Like Hoomph on Facebook]
Unfortunately, the Google plus one is probably true. [Via Reddit]
Dredd kicks ass and is far better than the Judge Dredd adaptation that preceded it. But it still has sins, yo. So we counted them. [CinemaSins]