Ned Flanders Themed Metal Band Performs in Simpsons Closing Credits

After many great cameos like Paul McCartney, the Ramones, Aerosmith and many many more, you know your band made it when you are featured in the Simpsons Closing credits! Okilly Dokilly, a Ned Flanders themed metal band, has been featured performing their song « White Wine Spritzer » During the closing credits of The Simpsons episode 659. […]

Award Winning 3D Animated Short Film: Being Good [Video]

“Being Good” by Jenny Harder – Is about identity and understanding the concepts of right and wrong. Our story is about a teenage girl named Embry and her two guardians, the angel Ava and the demon Mal who act as her conscience. While Ava and Mal could easily be considered as “good” and “evil”, the […]