Game of Phones: Watch as Bran Stark Uses His Warg Powers to Find Lost Keys

There is a lot going on in ‘Game of Thrones,’ and it can be difficult to keep track of what’s what and who’s who. But fortunately, help is available at a very reasonable price. Cast members Liam Cunningham, Lena Headey, Isaac Hempstead Wright, John Bradley, Sophie Turner, Maisie Williams, Kristian Nairn & Iwan Rheon host […]

Teacher Posts Amusing Sign Telling Students Not to Spoil Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is amazing, and not spoiling what happens in the movie to others can be really difficult. One teacher posted the warning sign you see above telling his students that discussions about the movie are prohibited until he and his brother can watch it. The note ends with: “So help me Jeebus if any […]