Welcome to Catan [Comic]
[Source: @bigbuddyboy_draws on Instagram]
[Source: @bigbuddyboy_draws on Instagram]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
Just like the real Infinity Gauntlet, this meat tenderizer from Firebox is large and powerful, but one thing it can’t do it snap half the universe out of existence. Just like the Infinity Gauntles pictured in the movie, it’s also unfortunately not real. Just ask Thanos and he’ll tell you a perfectly balanced meal requires […]
How Shazam should have ended according the folks over at HISHE. [HISHE]
[Source: Swords Comics]
[Source: @InkyRichShaw on Instagram | Inky Rick Shaw]
[Source: Follow @Baldstache on Instagram | Follow Baldstache on Twitter]
If you’ve seen the latest episode of GOT, you might have missed this: Is that a Starbucks coffee cup on the table in front of Daenerys Targaryen? [Via the Verge]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
[Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]