Deadpool vs Anime Expo 2019 [Video]
Watch D Piddy (as Deadpool) as he hilariously entertains the crowd at Anime Expo 2019. [D Piddy]
Watch D Piddy (as Deadpool) as he hilariously entertains the crowd at Anime Expo 2019. [D Piddy]
[Source: Coalescency on Facebook]
If you’re food geek and have an obsession over bread, these baguette bread pillows will be just the perfect thing to keep you comfortable whether you’re in bed or lounging in your favorite couch. Available in 5 sizes! Also available: Fried chicken pillow. Yeah. That’s also a thing apparently. [Baguette Bread Pillows] Summer is here! Lucas and his friend found a new toy to play with – if only they could get it to stay still! [Lucas the Spider]
[Source: Owlmygod]
[Source: Litterbox Comics | Like Litterbox Comics on Facebook | Follow Litterbox Comics on Twitter | Follow Litterbox Comics on Instagram]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
Comic by retired pro football player, Richie Owens, who later worked as a designer, developer and now works in IT. Ow, my knees, indeed! [Source: Ow My Knees]
Wait, so you saw my face before and didn’t die from disgust? You sure that dream was about me? This is what I love about Skyrim. You can be as ugly as an abomination born from someone’s behind and you can still be treated like a hero. (imgur)
[Source: Eel Hips]