Lucas the Spider – IT’S HOT! [Video] Oh boy, it sure is hot outside! How does a spider keep cool in the summer? [Lucas the Spider] Oh boy, it sure is hot outside! How does a spider keep cool in the summer? [Lucas the Spider]
[Source: @sorasabi on Instagram]
[Source: Life After the B.O.E. – USA vs UK]
If you ever somehow end up in Middle Earth, this guide lists some of the places where you can eat. If you’ve read the books, you’ll know where the data comes from! :) [Source: pathfinderdwarf on Imgur]
[Source: Scribbly G Comics | Scribbly G on Facebook | Scribbly G on Twitter | Scribbly G on Instagram]
[Source: Scribbly G Comics | Scribbly G on Facebook | Scribbly G on Twitter | Scribbly G on Instagram]
[Source: Like “Tricksy Wizard” on Facebook | Follow “Tricksy Wizard” on Instagram | Follow “Tricksy Wizard” on Twitter]
[Source: SrGrafo on Reddit] Believe it or not, even though the show looked absolutely perfect on television, things did not always go according to plan while filming Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. [pressmin | Via LS]
‘You lick it you keep it’ could very well be the most important rule of the street. [Viva la Dirt League]