Pro Strategy [Comic]
[Source: @Oneandphony on Instagram]
[Source: @Oneandphony on Instagram]
[Source: @The_Flandrew on Instagram]
[Source: Hot Paper Comics | Like “Hot Paper Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Hot Paper Comics” on Twitter]
You’d be surprised at what a pair of bandits will mug! [Viva la Dirt League]
[Source: @Oneandphony on Instagram]
[Source: Eatmypaint on Tumblr | Like Eatmypaint on Facebook | Follow Eatmypaint on Twitter]
[Source: Comics by Knight | Comics by Knight on Facebook]
[Source: Little Porpoise | Little Porpoise on Instagram]
[Source: Little Porpoise | Little Porpoise on Instagram]
Here’s something I read today from the Geeks are Sexy Facebook user group. Apparently, this is an old one, but I’ve never seen it before, so I though a few of you might enjoy it as well! Context: the party is traversing a mountain pass in a blizzard a la Lord of the Rings scene. […]