Thor is the Most Awkward Avenger: A Supercut [Video] Proof that Thor is the most awkward Avenger. [Pixel Riot] Proof that Thor is the most awkward Avenger. [Pixel Riot]
[Source: Big Foot Justice Comics on Facebook]
[Source: Infinite Guff on FB]
[Source: B’s comics | B’s comics on Instagram]
[Source: Sword Comics]
So yeah, Ryan Reynolds somehow just released an hour-long video of himself stuffing his face with some delicious Robert Downey Jr. cookies. It’s basically a 50-second ASMR video looped for an hour, but it’s still hilarious. [Ryan Reynolds]
It’s fun to pretend like you’re not yourself for a little bit… [Ryan George]
From Stable Voices: Wednesday Swanson, Nick Offerman deepfake of Christina Ricci in Addams Family Values. Nick Offerman’s voice was synthesized using an AI model trained on his speech patterns.
[Source: Pear-Shaped Comics | Like “Pear-Shaped Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Pear-Shaped Comics” on Twitter]
Togepi was first captured on video back in 2016 she was watching Psycho. A flashback: Apparently, Togepi is addicted to watching horror movies! She loves being scared! From her owner: I named her Togepi from the series Pokemon, because in Pokemon, Togepi grows in an egg and when the egg hatches, she thinks the first […]