The Jumanji Crew Has a Dysfunctional Family Thanksgiving Diner [Video]
Kevin Hart is a very rude man, but he’s right: No one wants an after-thought brussel sprout. [JablinskiGames]
Kevin Hart is a very rude man, but he’s right: No one wants an after-thought brussel sprout. [JablinskiGames]
[Source: Iguana Mouth]
[Source: Electric Bunny Comics]
You know those times where the cutscene starts in a place it wasn’t supposed to… awkward! [Viva la Dirt League]
[Source: Raph Comic | Like ” Raph Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Raph Comic” on Twitter]
Learn the Alphabet, from A to Z, with Arnold Schwarzenegger! [TwinkieMan]
Come on, admit it, we all want a future show featuring “The Child” (aka Baby Yoda) as a bounty hunting adult! A fantastic comic by David Yun and David Vargas from Direman Press! [Source: Direman Press]
[Source: @Sveninframes]
[Source | Via Quantum Mechanix (QMx)]
[Source: Dogs on the 4th]