Visitors [Comic]
[Source: Hey Buddy Comics on Instagram]
[Source: Hey Buddy Comics on Instagram]
It might not be super geeky, but it certainly is funny and innovative! Watch as Youtuber TheBrandoAnderson performs Jingle Bells with wrenches of various sizes and a concrete floor. You can also increase the playback speed at 1.5X for a faster performance. [TheBrandoAnderson | Via Neatorama]
Writer and comedian @KeatonPatti recently forced an AI to watch hundreds of hours of Hallmark Christmas movies and then asked it to write a few movie scripts of its own. Here are the results: [Source: @KeatonPatti | Via GG]
If you’ve played Read Dead Redemption 2, you know that staying good in the game can be kind of tricky… [Viva la Dirt League]
[Source: Tommy Siegel on Instagram]
[Source: @Gallmancartoons]
[Source: A Pleasant Waste of Time – Joseph Faill]
The video you’ve all been waiting for: The day baby Yoda met baby Groot for the first time! [Mightyraccoon!]
[Source: Lolnein Comics | Like “Lolnein Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Lolnein Comics” on Twitter]
Baby Yoda is loose in Jurassic Park, and chaos ensues! [Adventure Collectibles]