What Forbidden Knowledge Do You Seek? [Comic]
[Source: Shen Comix]
[Source: Shen Comix]
Think of the two most awkward, wooden acting performances you’ve seen in your life. Yeah, that would be Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars prequels and Tommy Wiseau in The Room. This mashup from PistolShrimps puts them together, not only in the same story, but in an intimate relationship that somehow produces a son named […]
This wonderful fan edit shows us what a fight between Baby Yoda and Darth Sidious would look like… [MaxeBaumannFilms2013]
[Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands]
A fantastic piece of Fan art by artist Roman Dubina showing Baby Yoda dethroning BB-8 and the porgs as Star Wars’s cutest character. This is the way. Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Roman Dubina (@romandubina_art) le 26 Nov. 2019 à 6 :35 PST [Source: @romandubina_art]
Mario Farts when a mushroom upsets his stomach. Also, I laughed when I read this comment under the video on Youtube: Finally vsauce content I can understand. [Vsauce | Via LS]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
These “baby on board” car decals featuring Baby Yoda are absolutely brilliant! The perfect gift for fans of The Mandalorian who are also parents of young kids! Baby On Board Baby Yoda and Mandalorian Vinyl Decal Sticker by GarrettDareCreations: Baby Yoda On Board Decal by MommingDownMainSt: Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a […]
[Source: Lunar Baboon | Like Lunar Baboon on Facebook | Follow Lunar Baboon on Twitter]