Gotham Needs Me! [Comic]
[Source: @safely_endangered]
[Source: @safely_endangered]
Here is a fantastic series of illustration by Norwegian artist Dino Tomic adorably creepyfying characters from pop culture for our viewing pleasure. Please note that all of these illustration are available for sale via the artist’s online shop. [ Creepyfied Art Print by Dino Tomic]
Wow! These are really getting better and better all the time! From Dumb Drum: We created a sweded, shot-for-shot, low-budget homemade remake of the #StarWars: #TheRiseofSkywalker teaser trailer! Also, here’s the side-by-side version: [Dumb Drum | Via Neatorama]
[Source: Text from Superheroes]
[Source: Bigfoot Justice]
A fun series of illustrations by artist Crystal Ro picturing Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian as Disney princesses. [Source: Crysta Ro | Via GG]
Since the 2019 holiday season is upon us, artist PJ McQuade has released a bunch of geektastic Christmas cards and ornaments available via his online shop like he does each year. Here are the some of the newest ones he released along with a few of my favorites from previous years. Check ’em all out […]
Baby Yoda has arrived with the Mandalorian to save the day in Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War. Baby Yoda also seems to have a brand new force power…FORCE LIGHTNING?? [stryder HD]
From Dan Bull: My Death Stranding song was supposed to be really serious and abstract and moody. I was struggling to come up with a chorus (story of my life) when The Stupendium walked into the room and started singing “Baby in a backpack, Norman Reedus got a baby in a backpack” and I was […]
[Source: Owl Turd/Shen Comix | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]