Doctor Who’s 13th Doctor Sends Uplifing Message to Self-Quarantining Fans

Are you self-quanrantining and are need of moral support? Trust Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor to be the one to send you positive vibes! Just like us, she’s in hiding, but instead of hiding from a virus, she’s in hiding from a bunch of Sontarans. Here are five tips from The Doctor to help you live […]

Pandemic Fashion: Coronavirus Earrings!

Artist and earrings maker extraordinaire Julie Lauzon from Lilipop creations uses reclaimed plastic to make wondefully geeky earrings. My girlfriend has several pairs at home and she’s absolutely in love with them! Considering the situation we’re currently in, Julie has released some amusing earrings shaped like the infamous COVID-19 virus. You can either order them […]

Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir Toilet Paper Holder

A Thor’s hamer toilet paper holder? Seriously, geeks, it doesn’t get much better than this! We’ve already posted a similar one in the past, but this version looks much better! Hold your toilet paper with Thor’s mighty hammer Mjolnir. Add a new flare to your avengers or marvel themed bathroom. This one of kind decor […]