Catwoman’s Superpower [Comic]
[Source: Head Trip Comics | Like “Head Trip” on Facebook]
[Source: Head Trip Comics | Like “Head Trip” on Facebook]
A story about a spaceship Roomba with a knife strapped on and alien visitors. [Source: sepulchritude | Via GG]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
[Source: @seer.bent on Instagram]
[Source: @asherfreeman on Instagram]
It’s the Honest Trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog, one of the best video game movies of all time! [Screen Junkies]
Cogito ergo sum: I think, therefore I am Memento Mori: Remember you must die Persona non grata: Person not welcome Argumentum ad hominem: Argument against the person Carpe Diem: Seize the day E pluribus unum: Out of many, one Ad astra per aspera: Through hardships to the stars Deus ex machina: God from the machine […]
[Source: Elder Cactus Comics]
Read the alternate version here. [Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
I have a feeling that this will be just like stirring a nest of angry hornets for many… Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Well here we are… we’ve come to the end of the Skywalker saga. And it’s… pretty confusing. It’s a blend of fan service, tying up loose ends, and giving the finger to […]