Filling the Gap at Work [Comic]
[Source: Prolific Pen Comics | Follow Prolific Pen Comics on Twitter]
[Source: Prolific Pen Comics | Follow Prolific Pen Comics on Twitter]
The amusing story of the first guy to ever have a room, featuring a bunch of rectangle that all serve different purposes. [Ryan George]
[Source: @biasedasfluck]
In the past few days, people have started gender swapping characters from the Star Trek universe en masse online. With that in mind, I figured, why not give the same treatment to another franchise beloved by geekdom? Behold, the cast of Firefly, gender swapped: Malcolm Reynolds Hoban Washburne Kaylee Frye Zoรซ Washburne Inara Serra Jayne […]
[Source: @comicoftheapes]
You Anakin Skywalking is just plain annoying, so everyone ignores him. This is just wrong… and hilarious. Maybe that’s why he turned into a Sith lord! [Via Born in Space]
[Source: @Okbluecomics]
A perfect rocket launch is a thing of beauty, but failures are much more entertaining! Since you learn from your mistakes, we are pretty sure YouTuber has learned a lot from these many failures. [via Digg]
Sonic the Hedgehog is a movie. That’s a fact, and it will be true forever. Is that movie any good? Ehhhh. Does the movie have sins? YES!!! Editor’s note: I think it wasn’t all that bad! [Cinema Sins]
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