Flickering [Comic]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]
[Source: Swords Comics]
[Source: @jennscomics]
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has taken over the global box office in the past decade, but Marvel wasn’t always the cinematic gold mine it is today. In fact the very first Marvel movie that got a theatrical release was so poorly received that they waited more than a decade to make another one. That first […]
[Source: Sword Comics]
Bonus Panel here. [Source: Omake Theater Comics | Like “Omake Theater” on Facebook | Follow “Omake Theater” on Twitter]
The Office featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger! Watch below: Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par For Meme Not You (@formemenotyou) le 18 Juin 2020 à 2 :40 PDT [Source: @formemenotyou]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Hot Paper Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
The Nice Jedi? I want to watch this! It’s attack of the clones, but presented in the style of the 2016 comedy, The Nice Guys. [Imperator Cuts]
You never know when the main quest will strike… [VLDL]