The Best Version of Rapunzel Ever [Comic]
[Souce: Cat vs. Human | Via]
[Souce: Cat vs. Human | Via]
[Source: @skeleton_claw]
[Source: @portuguesegeese]
[Source: Respawn Comics | Like “Respawn Comic” on Facebook]
[Source: @cactusfacecomics]
The second they start seeing the bottom of their bowl, the drama begins! [Source: @cheddarbaconstudios]
[Source: @theimmortalthinktank]
Check out this hilarious and terrible upgrade rap for MS-DOS 5 dating back from the early 90s. I can’t believe I actually purchased this upgrade back then. I even remember installing it on my old 486 box. [Via BB]
[Source: @danbydraws]
[Source: @exocomics]