Love/Hate [Comic]
[Source: @lowercasecomics]
[Source: @lowercasecomics]
One of the rare safe for work comic by Oglaf, one of the best, if not THE BEST NSFW webcomic of the Internet! [Source: Oglaf (Nsfw)]
[Source: Pocketss on Tumblr]
When driving, the last thing you’d expect is to meet someone dressed in a Big Bird costume doing a two wheeler trick using a quad bike. Several people have caught him on film. Watch: [Via BoingBoing]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: Extra Ordinary Comics – Li Chen | Like “Extra Ordinary Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Extra Ordinary Comics” on Twitter | Follow “Extra Ordinary Comics” on Instagram]
[Source: Scribbly G Comics | Scribbly G on Twitter | Scribbly G on Instagram | Like Scribbly G on Facebook]
It’s an ad promoting R M Williams UK’s high quality boots featuring Hugh Jackman, allegedly sitting on Ryan Reynolds’ Office Chair, wearing nothing but boots. Watch it, it’s hilarious. Is that the chair from my office? — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) October 1, 2020
Using NPC’s as cannon fodder is an evil but effective plan… [VLDL]
[Source: @InkyRichShaw on Instagram | Inky Rick Shaw]