FLOATERS: When Two Spaceships With the Same ID Number Bicker [Sci-fi Comedy]

High in the sky of a sci-fi metropolis a lone spaceship is confronted by a much larger and more intimidating vessel. When the bigger ship asks the small one why they share the same identification number a strange quandary forms and a mile-high debate ensues. [Karl Poyzer | Via BoingBoing | Directors notes]

Bat-Wielding Mark Hamill and Patrick Stewart Confront Each Other in Full UberEats Ad [Video]

As promised yesterday, here’s the full UberEats ad featuring Mark Hamill and Sir Patrick Stewart. Watch below! Patrick Stewart and Mark Hamill, two legendary cultural icons, come together to settle the greatest debate of all time – what’s for dinner? https://youtu.be/1jtkuAVLdtA [Uber Eats]